News Desk UK

Event: Movember Fundraiser for Men’s Health
Dates: Dec 2021
Sector: General
Tricel Gloucester staff collect a hair raising £640 for Movember fundraiser!
A big congratulations to Tricel’s ‘Mo Bros’ (Dan Ozanne, Mark Bodenham, Tony Shelley, Wayne Midgley, Mark Sykes pictured left to right above) who collected £640 for their Movember fundraiser, smashing their original £500 target!
Established in 2003, Movember encourages men to grow a moustache or beard of their choice for the month of November (be it patchy, lopsided or epic!), which will raise funds and awaremness for men’s health. With the money raised, Movember then funds groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – 1,250 projects so far.
Already looking forward to next year’s creations!