Cesspool Replacement in Kent

Case study overview


April 2022


Sittingbourne, Kent

Industry Sector

Residential homes – rental properties

Product Used

Tricel Novo Sewage Treatment Plants x 3

Project Introduction

This case study relates to a small development of three houses. At the time of the build, the developers installed a cesspool to meet compliance and sell the houses. The customer wasn’t happy with this sewage system and was looking for a solution for a cesspool replacement.

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Why replace a cesspool?

The new homeowner was unaware of the cost of emptying the cesspool so often. Indeed, this cesspool for three houses needed to be emptied every two weeks, hence they were keen to have a cesspool replacement.

What is a cesspool?

Cesspool Close Up

A cesspool is a simple storage vessel (with one inlet and no outlet). It’s a sealed storage vessel; all the water coming in stays within the tank where no treatment is done, it needs regular emptying, and a larger tank volume is required than for a septic tank or sewage treatment plant.

The advantage of a cesspool is that it does not need an outlet, therefore no drainage field or thinking about where the wastewater will go. Everything that comes in needs to be sucked out.

The disadvantages of the system are :

  • There is no sewage treatment done in a cesspool; you are emptying raw sewage.
  • It needs very regular emptying, and it’s therefore expensive to maintain. To compare, in the UK, a septic tank or sewage treatment plant only needs emptying once per year.
  • Finally, the tanks are huge as they need to contain a large volume of wastewater.

Nonetheless, cesspools can be the chosen solution for particular and seldom cases, such as:

  • A village hall with infrequent usage
  • A shepherd’s hut with no possible discharge
  • A very infrequently occupied holiday home

Read more about the choice between a cesspit or a septic tank.

The Installation

The Tricel team gave the homeowner advice and options as to how to remove the cesspool and treat their wastewater while being compliant with the general binding rules and respecting the environment. We came to do a site visit to ensure all aspects of the project were taken into account. Our credit installer went through the regulations with the homeowner and contacted the building control.

For this cesspool replacement, the solution was to install 3x Tricel Novo UK6 – Pumped, discharging into a drainage field. 

The homeowner decided to install 3x Novo UK6 rather than one larger tank, as he wanted to keep each tank separate from each house, so the tenants could manage their own running costs.

As Tricel Novo Sewage Treatment Plant treats the wastewater inside the tank, the treated water can then be discharged safely into the ground through a drainage field.

As the Novo tanks treat the wastewater, they have an inlet and an outlet; the water doesn’t need to stay in the tank; therefore, the tank doesn’t need to be as big as a cesspool, and more importantly for the homeowner, it doesn’t need to be emptied so often. Only once per year.

Check our dedicated page to learn more about our treatment plant,  the Tricel Novo.

The installation and replacement of the cesspool

The work was carried out by Kent Wastewater, a family-run business with over 20 years of experience in the wastewater industry. They provide the right solutions at affordable prices. It took Kent Wastewater six days to complete the project, from removing the original cesspool to commissioning the three new Tricel Novos. The cesspool was in use until the Novo’s were up and running; the switchover was done in a day.


The solution we used : Tricel Novo

The Tricel Novo submerged aeration sewage treatment plant is suitable for domestic and light commercial or communal applications.

The plant offers its own treatment system while using simple proven fixed bed technology

The Feedback

The homeowner was delighted with the installation and the Tricel Novos. We went back in November 2022 (7 months after the work was completed), and both tenants and homeowner were happy and had no issues. 

If you are interested in a cesspool replacement or are looking for a septic tank replacement or a sewage treatment solution, get in touchThe Tricel Environment Team covers the whole of the UK and will be happy to assist you and come for a site visit. 


Call us now to talk about your project and we will answer your questions or concerns.


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