Domestic sewage treatment plants
Renewing a sewage treatment system could be quite stressful because of its cost and the work it requires. For this particular reason, you want to make the most of it. Our domestic sewage treatment plants, the Novo, are a high technologically advanced product that is worth the investment.

For those considering to invest in domestic sewage treatment plants, our Tricel Novo is a great solution to consider and not only as a homeowner.
It can also fit your needs if you are a light commercial owner as we are providing sewage treatment plants from 1 to 50 PE.
Trustworthy, robust and durable, this market-leading product is made of SMC. Throughout three different chambers who all mobilise advanced technological features, it offers an efficient sewage purification while limiting running costs on the long term. Learn how the magic operates.
How does domestic sewage treatment plants work?
This domestic sewage treatment plant uses a simple process, made of three treatment zones. Each zone stands for a very unique stage of the purification method. It all starts when the wastewater enters into the plant.
- In the primary settlement chamber, 70% of the solids are getting separated from the sewage. It drops and settles to the bottom of the tank whilst the rest of the water floats into the second zone: the aeration chamber.
- During this second stage of the sewage treatment, natural bacteria – continuously sustained by an air compressor in the top section of the unit- inhabit in a specially designed plastic filter media. They are getting fed by the waste that couldn’t be separated from the liquid. To ensure a very high treatment efficiency, the wastewater is passing through this filter over and over.
- Once cleared-up, the liquid is going to the final settlement chamber. This process slows the liquid’s velocity and furnishes a last purification effort by filtering the last impurities and allowing them to settle to the bottom of the tank. They will then return to the first chamber thanks to a sludge return system.
- Once it passes out of the Tricel Novo plant system, your effluents are meeting the requirements promoted by your local environmental authorities. They are now ready to go to a suitable discharge area.
Tricel Novo: Key features & benefits
The compression moulding process is one of the most technologically advanced features available on the market. Components are manufactured under heat and high pressure. They have a competitive strength and durability over standard GRP tanks or PE tanks.
SMC is a unique material in the sewage treatment industry with Tricel SMC tanks operating in some of the harshest climatic conditions for over 50 years with no defects.
Tricel’s ceramic diffuser will last twice as long as all standard competitors rubber equivalents. It is a cost-saver in both call out fees and replacement parts.
No concrete backfill for installation on most sites which allows you to save up to €400 over lower quality GRP/plastic competitors.
There are no moving parts or pumps in the plant which is ensuring reliable operation during the treatment process and minimal running costs.
Tricel Novo plants are designed with a shallow invert to limit both installation and time costs.
Distances to respect in the UK:
As a potential future owner of a Tricel Novo (domestic and commercial sewage treatment plant), those rules apply to you and your housing. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are scrupulously executed for your waste water and your effluents quality. If not, you might expose yourself to sanctions from the Environment Agency.
England and Wales:
Your domestic sewage treatment plant has to be 5 metres away from trees, fence and hedge, 10 metres away from a watercourse or stream, and 50 metres away from any lake or foreshore. Last but not least, it has to be 7 metres away from your housing and 4 metres apart from a wall or a building. If living in Northern Ireland or in Scotland, we are inviting you to read more about distances to respect.
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key features
fast delivery
Fast delivery + Rapid response to all our customers
Tricel Products are certified to EN12566-1 and EN 12566-3 certified
Technical Expertise
Unrivalled technical expertise by our sales team regarding wastewater treatment solutions
Recent projects with package treatment plant
Extensive industry experience, manufacturing since 1973.
Tricel manufacture deliver & install sewage treatment plants across a wide range of industry sectors throughout Ireland & the UK. The company also provide import/export services for our international clients. This top quality material offers outstanding capabilities including long life, durability and is a cost-effective solution for sewage treatment even in the harshest environments.
Tricel has installed many of its Tricel Novo Sewage Treatment Plants across the UK.
Check some of our projects by clicking on the button below.
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