septic tanks cheshire

Case study overview


February 2021



Industry Sector


Product Used

Tricel Novo UK6 – Pumped

Project Introduction

This case study is about an existing septic tank failure and surface water from roof entering the system. Sewage treament plants will replace these types of septic tanks cheshire .

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Early in 2021, ADP Environmental Services Ltd was asked to carry out a septic tank inspection in Cheshire.

The inspection revealed two issues:

  1. Septic tank failure due to a damaged tank
  2. Surface water from the roof entering the system

Indeed, septic tanks and sewage treatment plants must not have any rainwater either from downpipes or surface drains or roof entering the system.

ADP carried out the inspection and assessed the options available. Having discovered both issues right from the inspection allowed ADP to provide a thorough plan and quoted work. The customer was also delighted to hear that the work required was going to be covered by their insurance.

Home Cheshire

The Installation

Sewage Treatment Plant Installation in Cheshire as well as separate soakaway for roof water.

On this project, space was limited and a bespoke above the ground soakaway was required. The Tricel Novo UK6 population sewage treatment system with integrated pumped outlet was chosen and installed. This tank was selected because of its reliability, ease of installation (lightweight and shallow dig tank) and ease of maintenance.

We determine the sizing (6 PE which means 6 Population Equivalent) by the number of bedrooms in the house. For more information about how to size a septic tank or wastewater treatment plant, have a look at our dedicated page. The Novo range is available up to 50 PE.

ADP always goes the extra mile to satisfy their customers. On this occasion, the weather (snow and ice) was trying to get in the way. To make sure the work could go ahead, the team had to start by gritting to get access to the site. Once the machinery could access the site, the work began and was completed as quickly as possible.


The solution we used : Tricel Novo

The Tricel Novo submerged aeration sewage treatment plant is suitable for domestic and light commercial or communal applications.

The plant offers its own treatment system while using simple proven fixed bed technology

The Feedback

The Tricel Novo sewage treatment plant and its drainage field were installed as well as a separate soakaway for the roof water which had previously been entering the existing system. It was a successful tank installation, the customer was delighted with ADP’s expertise as well as the product supplied by Tricel.

Tricel has years of experience in manufacturing wastewater treatment solutions. Our range includes sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, as well as tertiary treatment solutions. We cover all the UK and our main factory is located in Somerset.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re in need of a new sewage treatment system.


Call us now to talk about your project and we will answer your questions or concerns.


Request a free quote today to have a quote that meets your project!

Case Studies

Installation of Tricel Novo UK 18 in Devon

Tricel supplied a Novo UK 18 to replace an outdated septic tank in Devon. (Sept 2021)

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Sewage treatment Installation

The aim was to find the perfect sewage treatment solution for a barn conversion and thus, upgrade their existing septic tank installation in line with their future projects. (Aug 2018)
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Sewage treatment plant for selfbuilders

Only one week after the consent to discharge being granted, the installation process began. It then took only two days to complete the project. (Aug 2016)
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Commercial sewage treatment plant and packaged filter system

Tricel worked with Carriden Homes in Crail (Scotland) to supply a sewage treatment plant and packaged filter system for bungalows. (Dec 2019)
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Tricel Maxus Sewage Treatment Plant in Oykel Bridge

Tricel supplied a 92PE Tricel Maxus system with buffer tank for Oykel Bridge Hotel. (Dec 2021)
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Commercial sewage treatment plant installed in Dorset

Tricel supplied a Novo UK 42 to replace an outdated septic tank in Dorset. (April 2021)
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Cesspool replacement in Kent

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Septic tank upgrade, sewage treatment plant in Wiltshire

A Tricel sewage treatment plant was installed in Wiltshire to replace an old, failing septic tank. (March 2022)
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